Monday, April 30, 2012

The Dynamic Duo

My two favourite colours, bar none, are blue and green. Without exception. People who have seen my home will not be surprised. Frankly, even if you have seen only my blog header, the above statement may be just cause for an eye roll. "Really, you say? I had no idea!" Now, while I am partial to nearly every shade of both - everything from pale sky to navy, and from celadon to emerald, my absolute favourites are the pale, watery colours that can be found in nature - in beach glass, in hostas and hydrangeas, and, even on the eggs hatched by Martha Stewart's Araucana chickens! Aren't they cool? Not that I really have any interest in raising chickens, but if I ever did, I would want a few of these!


And, not only do I love this classic pairing, it would seem that many others do as well:






Have a great evening!

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